Monday, February 23, 2009

Things That Make Me Go Mmm...

I'm a simple guy and one sure-fire way to cheer me up anytime is this combo set from KFC. 2 pieces of original recipe chicken, with cheezy wedges as a side order. I had this combo on Happy Tuesday, where they had 25% off for the chicken order (RM 5.62), and special savings for the cheezy wedges and drinks set. (RM 3.80). Total came to RM 9.90 after tax. Damn good value and a very satisfying dinner...

The story of Colonel Sanders is often used to illustrate persistence, the ability to overcome rejections, and the fact that age is no barrier to success. Colonel Sanders started off in a kitchen selling fried chicken, but was forced out of business when the government built a highway to bypass his restaurant and was broke by the age of 65. He understood the difference between being self-employed and a business owner, which is why rather than opening up and running another restaurant, he decided to drive throughout the country, persuading restaurant owners to use his secret recipe, and paying him a royalty in return. 

It took over 2 years and 1,008 rejections before he got his first "yes" 
(I wonder who actually counted the number of rejections he had...)

Imagine your own grandfather who is past retirement age, driving around the country for 2 years and getting nowhere with his "fantastic business idea". How many people would have stopped this grandpa? How many people would have said this old man is crazy and insane? How many people would have told this old man to face the facts and that there is no way his business idea is going to be accepted?

Colonel Sanders managed to become a millionaire in 8 years, starting off at the age of 65. He wouldn't have been able to achieve this as a self-employed restaurant chef because time would be a limitation to his cashflow. This is an extraordinary success story because extraordinary results come from extraordinary men. I am sincerely grateful to this once "insane, thick-faced, desperate and broke" old man for allowing me the dining bliss I am able to experience now.


handyman said...

i swapped my coleslaw for another mashed potato :)

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