Hill was able to personally meet the most powerful and successful people of the 20th century for over 25 years. Through his work, he was able to formulate a philosophy of achievement based on real stories of real people who had used those techniques to create their successes. In a nutshell, his book teaches how we can put ourselves into the same state of mind as those who have created great wealth.
Practice 3: Hypnotise Yourself with Auto-suggestion
The basic principle underlying auto-suggestion is closely related to hypnosis. Auto-suggestion is "tricking" your subconscious mind into believing something because you genuinely believe it. Once achieved, your subconscious mind will unleash powers your conscious mind (what you know), do not realise. To do this, you have to have a goal i.e. how much you intend to make, followed by how you plan to achieve this. Repeat this in your mind, including what you are willing to give in return for your goals. You can also surround yourself with books, pictures, mottoes and other suggestive devices that symbolise and reinforce achievement and self-reliance. Remember that you are the master of your own fate, and not a victim of your surroundings and background.
Practice 4: Acquire Specialised Knowledge
Knowledge is power, but is of little financial value unless it is organised and intelligently directed through practical plans of action, to the purpose of accumulation of money. If you plan to be an employee, it means acquiring the knowledge to carry out the tasks required of the employer. In business, it it means acquiring the knowledge to expand and improve your business. General knowledge is limitless and easily accessible through libraries and the internet, but most people lack the ambition to acquire the knowledge they can commercialise. You do not have to be the most knowledgeable person on the planet to make money, just specialised knowledge you can commercialise and opportunity with, with notable examples such as Bill Gates and Henry Ford.
Yes, rich men are lucky because:
LUCK = Labour Using Correct Knowledge
Continued from Part 1
To be Continued... Part 3
Hahah personal improvement! Love this stuff! Would be much better if you could all collate it on one post and give us your thoughts on this piece of work! I have the exact same book you posted in the picture too!
Check out my personal development website at http://kevinc.net too! Hope you like it.
Keep up the good work!
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