Sunday, March 1, 2009

Business Concept 2: The Mindset

One of the most interesting concepts I've read from Anthony Robin's book is this little idea:

Beliefs > Decisions > Actions > Results

Your beliefs influence the decisions you make, which in turn, influences the actions you take, producing the results of your actions.

Simple idea, almost common sense, but what implications does it have? Before dissing this concept as useless, ask yourself, are you satisfied in a situation where you are NOW?

Most people in this world are not. They complain that life isn't as good as it should be and do nothing about it. Rather than complaining about the government, your family background, economy, etc, have a moment and reflect on yourself...

Where you are today is the result of your actions, decisions and beliefs made in the past. For example, if you're not happy with your job at the moment, it's because you acted and applied for it in the first place. What made you make that decision to commit to that job is influenced by your own beliefs. Maybe at that point in time, you thought you were not good enough to apply for that dream job of yours or there are no jobs that suit you?

It all starts from your beliefs. If you're not where you want to be now, maybe it's time to change your beliefs because doing the same thing and expecting a different result is called insanity. The reason I can still remember this concept by heart from Robin's book is because I think it is such a simple, yet powerful tool to better your own life. If doesn't cover just your financial goals, but your health, social and general aspects of your life.

For example, if you're not at the health level you want to be at, reflect on yourself why is that so? Maybe you're not healthy because you have not exercised (action), because you have a nap as soon as you go home (decision), and there is no time to exercise (belief). To change the situation you are now, you have to start by changing you belief that "there is no time to exercise".

Same goes if you're not happy in life, or if business is not doing well...


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